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Trying to strip ADSI details

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Technical User
May 3, 2001


I am attempting to return specified characters from a string variable. The variable is called in session form from Active Directory - session("linemanager") - and the output is as follows:

CN=firstname.lastname,OU=Galwally and Local Offices,OU=Users,OU=InvestNI Users and Computers,DC=investni,DC=internal

I want to pull out the firstname.lastname part only out of the text string and have attempted to do so with code similar to below;

Function FnCleanString(pString)
Dim tString
Dim tLength
Dim lCtr
tString = session("linemanager")
tLength = Len(pString)
For lCtr = 1 To tLength
If Mid(pString, lCtr, 1) <> &quot; &quot; Then
tString = tString & Mid(pString, lCtr, 1)
End If
Next lCtr
FnCleanString = tString
End Function

I'm making a plead for help because I'm getting error messages all over no matter what code I attempt.

Any assistance you could provide would be mucho appreciated.

Does this help?

function getNames()
tString = session(&quot;linemanager&quot;)
commaPos = inStr(tString,&quot;,&quot;)
NameString = mid(tString,4,commaPos - 4)
periodPos =inStr(nameString,&quot;.&quot;)
firstName = left(nameString,(len(nameString)-periodPos))
lastName = mid(nameString,periodPos+1)

end function -- Just trying to help... LOL [ponder]
Hi tazzer,
This one may be a little more flexible. However, I think your input should be delimited by ; instead of , ... please double check.

' Note: You can do it easier with a Dictionary object,
' but I am doing this way because it is faster for simpler
' routine (Dictionary object is resource intensive.
' Note2: Will only extract the first instance of the Key
function valueExtractor( vsInput, vsFieldName )
dim vaaDict, vsKeyValue, vasKeyValue

valueExtractor = &quot;&quot;
vaaDict = split( vsInput, &quot;,&quot; )
for each vsKeyValue in vaaDict
vasKeyValue = split( vsKeyValue, &quot;=&quot; )
vasKeyValue(0) = trim( vasKeyValue(0) )
vasKeyValue(1) = trim( vasKeyValue(1) )
if lcase( vasKeyValue(0) ) = lcase( vsFieldName ) then
valueExtractor = vasKeyValue(1)
exit for
end if

end function

dim vsToExtract, vsInput
vsInput = &quot;CN=firstname.lastname,OU=Galwally and Local Offices,OU=Users,OU=InvestNI Users and Computers,DC=investni,DC=internal&quot;

vsToExtract = &quot;CN&quot;
Response.Write( vsToExtract & &quot;=[&quot; & valueExtractor( vsInput, vsToExtract ) & &quot;]&quot; )
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