I turned for help to Googles' TCL discussion list but did not get a response. So, I'm hoping someone here can help:
I'm using blt2.4y on win2000. I'm trying to combine blt graphs into one canvas and then print that canvas (as a postsript) to a file called test.ps. To do that I (1) create 2 charts (2) save each seperately as a postscript file (3) create a canvas and insert the charts into it with eps (4) save the canvas as test.ps file. All seeme to go well except the last part, which gives me the following error:
"gsave. can't get handle to EPS file"
Incidentlly, I get the same error message when I click the "Print" button in blt2.4/demos/eps.tcl that came with. blt has anyone run into a similar problem and what the solution is? An example script is below.
#--------- start of script ---------
package require BLT
namespace import blt::*
namespace import -force blt::tile::*
barchart .bar -width 300 -height 150
.bar element create e1 -xdata {1 2 3} -ydata {3 6 1}
pack .bar
graph .graph -width 300 -height 150
.graph element create e1 -xdata {1 2 3} -ydata {5 3 7}
pack .graph
canvas .c -width 300 -height 300
set y -150
foreach item {bar graph} {
.$item postscript output $item.ps -preview 1
.c create eps 0 [incr y 150] -file $item.ps
.c postscript -file test.ps
#--------- end of script ---------
I turned for help to Googles' TCL discussion list but did not get a response. So, I'm hoping someone here can help:
I'm using blt2.4y on win2000. I'm trying to combine blt graphs into one canvas and then print that canvas (as a postsript) to a file called test.ps. To do that I (1) create 2 charts (2) save each seperately as a postscript file (3) create a canvas and insert the charts into it with eps (4) save the canvas as test.ps file. All seeme to go well except the last part, which gives me the following error:
"gsave. can't get handle to EPS file"
Incidentlly, I get the same error message when I click the "Print" button in blt2.4/demos/eps.tcl that came with. blt has anyone run into a similar problem and what the solution is? An example script is below.
#--------- start of script ---------
package require BLT
namespace import blt::*
namespace import -force blt::tile::*
barchart .bar -width 300 -height 150
.bar element create e1 -xdata {1 2 3} -ydata {3 6 1}
pack .bar
graph .graph -width 300 -height 150
.graph element create e1 -xdata {1 2 3} -ydata {5 3 7}
pack .graph
canvas .c -width 300 -height 300
set y -150
foreach item {bar graph} {
.$item postscript output $item.ps -preview 1
.c create eps 0 [incr y 150] -file $item.ps
.c postscript -file test.ps
#--------- end of script ---------