I am writing an excel spreadsheet in Access and wish to use a template for formatting purposes. However all that is produced is the generic spreadsheet. Here is the code. Any solutions gratefully accepted.
Sub MakeSS(TUser As String)
' Declare an object variable to hold the object
' reference. Dim as Object causes late binding.
Dim ExcelSheet As Object
Dim DB
Dim RS
Dim X
X = 0
Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("Select * from qrySelectReqReportOpen where ALUserid='" & TUser & "'")
Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
'open up template
ExcelSheet.Application.Workbooks.Open "C:\AL.XLT"
Do Until RS.EOF
X = X + 1
'populate excel row
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 1).Value = RS("Division")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 2).Value = X
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 3).Value = RS("Req#")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 4).Value = FullDate(RS("Opened"))
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 5).Value = FullDate(RS("TargetHireDate"))
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 6).Value = RS("Location")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 7).Value = RS("Priority")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 8).Value = RS("Department")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 9).Value = RS("Position")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 10).Value = RS("Status")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 11).Value = FullDate(RS("NewHireDate"))
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 12).Value = RS("Hiring Manager")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 13).Value = RS("RA")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 14).Value = RS("Sourcing")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 15).Value = RS("InternalTransferName")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 16).Value = RS("ExternalCandidatename")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 17).Value = RS("Recruitors")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 18).Value = RS("Area Leader")
ExcelSheet.Sheets(1).Cells((X + 1), 19).Value = RS("Variance")
'Move to next record
' Save the sheet to C:\ directory.
ExcelSheet.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ExcelSheet.SaveAs "C:\OpenRequisitions.XLS"
ExcelSheet.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error Resume Next
' Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object.
' Release the object variable.
Set ExcelSheet = Nothing
Set RS = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
End Sub