I have some code used for server-side form input validation.
This loops through each char in the string and checks to see if it's a valid character (based on ASCII values)
I would like to make this into a function or sub (whatever is best).
I imagine that there is a way to make the "invalid input checker" into a function. I'd love to be able to use this validation thing by doing something like:
Where FunctionName is the name of my function and UNAME is the variable that it is checking for validity.
I am learning about functions, but I cannot seem to figure out WHERE or WHAT to put in the argument list that follows the function name when it's used or called.
In the char validation code, the only place I refrence the variable to be evaluated is the line:
unamemText = uname
How do I make the above into a function and what do I put in the code or arglist to make it so I can simply do a FUNCTION(variable.to.be.validated) and the variable that I put in the arglist would be tested using my code.
(plz ignore the error message stuff. I'll take care of that once I learn how to make and use the function properly)
Plz let me know if I need to clarify, because I bet it's a simple question that I am making sound really really complicated.
-* D *-
I have some code used for server-side form input validation.
This loops through each char in the string and checks to see if it's a valid character (based on ASCII values)
DIM unamemText, unamemOKstr, unamemChr, unamemASCchr, unamemRet
DIM unamei
DIM unamemErrMsg, unamemBlankRow
unamemBlankRow = "<TR><TD> </TD></TR>"
unamemText = uname
unamemOKstr = "_.-@"
unamemret = True
FOR unamei = 1 TO Len(unamemText)
unamemChr = Mid(unamemText, unamei, 1)
unamemASCchr = ASC(unamemChr)
IF NOT ((unamemASCChr >=65 AND unamemASCChr <=90) _
OR (unamemASCchr >=97 AND unamemASCchr <=122) _
OR (unamemASCchr >=48 AND unamemASCChr <=57)) Then
IF Instr(1, unamemOKstr, unamemChr)= 0 Then
unamemRet= False
Exit For
IF unamemRet = False Then
errExists = errExists + 1
errUname = "<B>Username</B> contains invalid characters.<BR>" & _
"Valid Characters are " & unamemOkstr & "<BR>"
I would like to make this into a function or sub (whatever is best).
I imagine that there is a way to make the "invalid input checker" into a function. I'd love to be able to use this validation thing by doing something like:
Where FunctionName is the name of my function and UNAME is the variable that it is checking for validity.
I am learning about functions, but I cannot seem to figure out WHERE or WHAT to put in the argument list that follows the function name when it's used or called.
In the char validation code, the only place I refrence the variable to be evaluated is the line:
unamemText = uname
How do I make the above into a function and what do I put in the code or arglist to make it so I can simply do a FUNCTION(variable.to.be.validated) and the variable that I put in the arglist would be tested using my code.
(plz ignore the error message stuff. I'll take care of that once I learn how to make and use the function properly)
Plz let me know if I need to clarify, because I bet it's a simple question that I am making sound really really complicated.
-* D *-