I am trying to fill a listbox from a query. It works in a dropdown combo, but I want a listbox showing around 20 records, having a verticle scrollbar. I have searched all over but keep finding dropdown boxes. The bit of code for the listbox is. Thanks
echo '<Select Barcode="Barcode">';
while($nt=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Array or records stored in nt
echo '<option value="'.$nt[Barcode].'">' .$nt['Barcode'].'</option>';
echo '</select>'; // closing list
echo '<Select Barcode="Barcode">';
while($nt=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Array or records stored in nt
echo '<option value="'.$nt[Barcode].'">' .$nt['Barcode'].'</option>';
echo '</select>'; // closing list