I would like to create a Microsoft.Office.Interpol.Word.Dictionary object that's based on the English language but with additional words. How can
I do that?
Here is the constructor for my SilcoreseDictionary class:
I would like to make the SilcoreseDictionary class a copy of the ActiveSpellingDictionary of the English (US) language that it finds in the
Application's language list. I would then like to add more vocabulary to it. Is this possible?
I would like to create a Microsoft.Office.Interpol.Word.Dictionary object that's based on the English language but with additional words. How can
I do that?
Here is the constructor for my SilcoreseDictionary class:
class SilcoreseDictionary : Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Dictionary
private Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application _application = null;
public SilcoreseDictionary()
_application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Language localLanguage = null;
foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Language l in _application.Languages)
if (l.Name.Contains("English (US)"))
localLanguage = l;
if (localLanguage != null)
// make this a copy of localLanguage.ActiveSpellingDictionary
I would like to make the SilcoreseDictionary class a copy of the ActiveSpellingDictionary of the English (US) language that it finds in the
Application's language list. I would then like to add more vocabulary to it. Is this possible?