Can someone please tell me how I can access the trunks on a Merlin Legend via Trunk Access Codes. I was told that I need to dial #9 and then 816 (816=trunk), when I do this a get a regular busy signal. Where am I going wrong?
816 is the Paging, in programming it shows 816 as paging, but I can't access it dialing #9816. As a matter of fact, I tried dialing #9801 just to see if I could get access to that line (for trunk verification), and I get the same busy signal???
Is it only one phone that can't access loudspeaker paging via #9816 or all phones?
BTW, #9 + an idle trunk number will not give you dial tone for testing purposes. You can only use the "pickup trunk" feature to pickup a call holding on the specific trunk.
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