XML file with ADO.NET driver
I have the following record selection formula in a report that groups and lists assets:
{Asset.ObjectType} <> "Disablility Insurance" and
{AssetYear.Value} = {Revision.planyear} and
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Stock Option" and {ReportOptions.rptbsinvestablechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Account Asset" and {ReportOptions.rptbsinvestablechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Qualified Plan" and {ReportOptions.rptbsqualplanchkbox} = "1") or
(({Asset.ObjectType} = "Business Asset" or {Asset.assetcategory} = "Business Use") and
{ReportOptions.rptbsbususechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Life Insurance" and {ReportOptions.rptbslifeInscashvalchkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.assetcategory} = "Investable Asset" and {ReportOptions.rptbsinvestablechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.assetcategory} = "Personal Use" and {ReportOptions.rptbsperusechkbox} = "1")
The complexity is required because the users have the ability to "shut-off" any of the asset types that they don't want to display. Currently, the report works with running totals to create subtotals and grand totals, but there is a hitch.
The dataset returned by the above formula is huge. Instead of giving me one record per asset, it is returning 31. I can make the report display correctly by suppressing the Detail section and grouping on AssetID, but this seems like a funky solution that may result in poor performance.
Can anyone look at that formula and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you very much!
XML file with ADO.NET driver
I have the following record selection formula in a report that groups and lists assets:
{Asset.ObjectType} <> "Disablility Insurance" and
{AssetYear.Value} = {Revision.planyear} and
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Stock Option" and {ReportOptions.rptbsinvestablechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Account Asset" and {ReportOptions.rptbsinvestablechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Qualified Plan" and {ReportOptions.rptbsqualplanchkbox} = "1") or
(({Asset.ObjectType} = "Business Asset" or {Asset.assetcategory} = "Business Use") and
{ReportOptions.rptbsbususechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.ObjectType} = "Life Insurance" and {ReportOptions.rptbslifeInscashvalchkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.assetcategory} = "Investable Asset" and {ReportOptions.rptbsinvestablechkbox} = "1") or
({Asset.assetcategory} = "Personal Use" and {ReportOptions.rptbsperusechkbox} = "1")
The complexity is required because the users have the ability to "shut-off" any of the asset types that they don't want to display. Currently, the report works with running totals to create subtotals and grand totals, but there is a hitch.
The dataset returned by the above formula is huge. Instead of giving me one record per asset, it is returning 31. I can make the report display correctly by suppressing the Detail section and grouping on AssetID, but this seems like a funky solution that may result in poor performance.
Can anyone look at that formula and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you very much!