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Trouble with summing a formula

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Technical User
Nov 7, 2006
Hi guys,

I'm working with Crystal Reports XIR2, and a SQL Server database.

What I'm having isssues with, is summerizing a formula. I've done it in the past with no problems but I'm having a hell of a time doing it now.

What I have is 2 formulas {@yield1} & {@yeild2}. What I need to find out is how many records of {@yield1} are greater than {@yield2}.

What I have done so far is created an if then else statement thats says if {@yield1} > {@yeild2} then 1 and then try and sum on that formula. Thats where I get "This field cannot be summarized".

Any idea how I can get around this.

Can't help unless you show the content of each formula, including the content of any nested formulas.

K, I'll list the content of the formulas below

Overall Yield : {@annualized earnings}/{Mortgages.Principal} * 100
Portfolio Yield : Sum ({@annualized earnings})/Sum ({Mortgages.Principal})*100

Nested formulas are:
Annualized Earnings : {@interest per year} + {@net fee annualized}
Interest Per Year : {Mortgages.Principal}*{@EAR}/100
Net Fee Annualized : ({@Net Fee}/{Mortgages.Term}) * 12
EAR : ((((({Mortgages.InterestRate}/100)/{@compounded per year})+1)^{@compounded per year}) - 1)*100
Net Fee : {Mortgages.AdminFee} - {Mortgages.FinderFee}

I need to know how many times Portfolio Yield is larger than Overall Yield.

I hope this is all you need.
You didn't show the content of {@compounded per year}, but I can see that your Portfolio yield formula is one reason you cannot summarize, since it already contains summaries. Are you certain that this is the comparison you want to make--a row value for overall yield with a summary of portfolio value? If so, then use a variable to the count, like this:

numbervar cnt;
if {@portfolioyield} > {@overallyield} then
cnt := cnt + 1;

Then display the result in the report footer:
numbervar cnt;

If you are evaluating at some group level, then the last formula belongs in the group footer, with a reset in the group header:

numbervar cnt;
if not inrepeatedgroupheader then
cnt := 0;

Thanks lbass,

that works great. Can I throw one more at you. Now I need to find out the total dollar volume of those exceeding the yield. Can I do a running total?

exp: mortgage 1 - $ 75000
mortgage 2 - $ 80000
mortgage 3 - $ 50000

result: $205000

hopefully i explained myself
Add another variable to your detail level formula like this:

numbervar cnt;
currencyvar amt;
if {@portfolioyield} > {@overallyield} then (
cnt := cnt + 1;
amt := amt + {table.mortgageamt}

Then in the report footer use:

currencyvar amt;

This assumes taht the mortgageamt field is a currency datatype. If it is a number, change currencyvar to numbervar.

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