Hi. We produce PCL 5e code to print electronic forms and we are having problems getting special Spanish characters like to output correctly. For example, the '¿' (upside-down question mark) gets converted to a '?'. I did some research and believe it has to do with the Symbol Set command. Please correct me if I'm wrong. For most of our fonts like Arial, Times, etc. (we support all of the default fonts for HP/Lexmark printers) we use 19U which is listed in the manuals as "Windows 3.1 Latin 1". A few are different - Antique Olive uses 9U, Symbol uses 9U.
Can someone tell me which symbol set to use? Is there a better default symbol set to use that encompasses all characters for single-byte languages such as english/spanish, etc.? I'm wondering what's the best method to choose the Symbol Set for a font like Arial without having the user tell me they are designing a document that uses Spanish characters.
Can someone tell me which symbol set to use? Is there a better default symbol set to use that encompasses all characters for single-byte languages such as english/spanish, etc.? I'm wondering what's the best method to choose the Symbol Set for a font like Arial without having the user tell me they are designing a document that uses Spanish characters.