I am having trouble with my movie. The JungleBackground_Movie scrolls left and right with btns.
This is the code for the target btns:
/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos = Number(/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos)-50;
if (/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos<-496) {
/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos = 1003.75;
setProperty ("/JungleBackground_Movie", _x, /JungleBackground_Movie:xpos);
The thing is, the btns don't have much control over the scrolling. If you click it more than once it goes for ages and because the file size is so large it is pretty jerky. You can have a look on (I know there are other matters to be fixed as well but that is mostly in hand)
This is the code for the target btns:
/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos = Number(/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos)-50;
if (/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos<-496) {
/JungleBackground_Movie:xpos = 1003.75;
setProperty ("/JungleBackground_Movie", _x, /JungleBackground_Movie:xpos);
The thing is, the btns don't have much control over the scrolling. If you click it more than once it goes for ages and because the file size is so large it is pretty jerky. You can have a look on (I know there are other matters to be fixed as well but that is mostly in hand)