OK, the situation is this:
I have an old excel template that we use in our office. In order for the workbooks that use the old template to be compliant it has to be upgraded to a new approved template.
I could manually copy everything, but there are many workbooks and many worksheets.
I tried to create some code that would basically take the old workbook (downgrade.xls) and copy the appropriate data to the new template ("upgrade.xls")
The template consists of different, the ones I am copying all spin off a sheet called "Template".
The first thing that the code does is look at the sheet in downgrade.xls, take the name of that sheet and a couple of other bits of info. Then I go to upgrade.xls, copy the template sheet and rename the copy to be the name of the old sheet.
Then I go back to downgrade.xls and attempt to copy a range of data from the sheet. This is where it goes wrong:
where wsu = the worksheet (see full code below) and lRow = last unused row
I have tried setting wsu as teh active sheet and then replacing wsu with activesheet but it doesn't work. I have also tried using Rows rather than range, but still no luck.
The full code is below (sorry it's not very clean at the moment)
hope this all makes sense, any ideas what the problem is? Many thanks
I have an old excel template that we use in our office. In order for the workbooks that use the old template to be compliant it has to be upgraded to a new approved template.
I could manually copy everything, but there are many workbooks and many worksheets.
I tried to create some code that would basically take the old workbook (downgrade.xls) and copy the appropriate data to the new template ("upgrade.xls")
The template consists of different, the ones I am copying all spin off a sheet called "Template".
The first thing that the code does is look at the sheet in downgrade.xls, take the name of that sheet and a couple of other bits of info. Then I go to upgrade.xls, copy the template sheet and rename the copy to be the name of the old sheet.
Then I go back to downgrade.xls and attempt to copy a range of data from the sheet. This is where it goes wrong:
If wsu.Range("A16") = "Spec Ref" Then
wsu.Range(Cells(18, 1), Cells(lRow, 30)).Copy
wsu.Range(Cells(16, 1), Cells(lRow, 30)).Copy
End If
where wsu = the worksheet (see full code below) and lRow = last unused row
I have tried setting wsu as teh active sheet and then replacing wsu with activesheet but it doesn't work. I have also tried using Rows rather than range, but still no luck.
The full code is below (sorry it's not very clean at the moment)
Dim wsu As Worksheet
Dim wsn
Dim wst
Dim wso
Dim lRow As Long
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Activate the old spreadsheet
For Each wsu In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If wsu.Name <> "Contents" Then
If wsu.Name <> "Status" Then
If wsu.Name <> "Introduction" Then
If wsu.Name <> "Template" Then
If wsu.Name <> "Upgrade" Then
Let wst = wsu.Range("D4")
Let wso = wsu.Range("D6")
Let wsn = wsu.Name
'Activate upgrade spreadsheet to insert new worksheet
Worksheets("Template").Copy Before:=Worksheets("Template")
Worksheets("Template (2)").Visible = True
Worksheets("Template (2)").Range("D4") = wst
Worksheets("Template (2)").Range("D6") = wso
Worksheets("Template (2)").Rows("19:26").Delete
Worksheets("Template (2)").Name = wsn
'Add to contents of upgrade
If Sheets("Contents").Range("B6") = "E1" Then
Sheets("Contents").Range("B6") = wsn
If Sheets("Contents").Range("B7") = "E2" Then
Sheets("Contents").Range("B7") = wsn
If Sheets("Contents").Range("B8") = "E3" Then
Sheets("Contents").Range("B8") = wsn
Sheets("Contents").Rows("8:8").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Contents").Rows("7:7")
Sheets("Contents").Range("B7") = wsn
End If
End If
End If
''''''Copy data from active sheet
' Find the FIRST EMPTY row by adding 1 to the last row
lRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row + 1
'Copy all contents of active sheet
If wsu.Range("A16") = "Spec Ref" Then
wsu.Range(Cells(18, 1), Cells(lRow, 30)).Copy
wsu.Range(Cells(16, 1), Cells(lRow, 30)).Copy
End If
'Paste to upgrade
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next wsu
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Windows("upgrade.xls").SaveAs Filename:="Upgrade_To_Rename.xls"
hope this all makes sense, any ideas what the problem is? Many thanks