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trouble with 2600 group 1

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Nov 28, 2004
I wasn't sure where to discuss this topic. I can't find a place where it belongs, but I felt the need to talk about this someplace.

One of the most important things that any IT pro can do is get out there and meet with other IT pros in a non-formal setting. Here in my town, there are tons of groups. We have two Linux groups that meet weekly, for example. One night in November, I had five meetings to choose from. It's a great way to learn about how other pros are solving their problems.

Anyway, after last Friday, I decided to cross one group off the list. I went to the 2600 meeting, which meets on the first Friday of every month. It was only my second meeting. The first one I attended was interesting, and so was this one.

I also take my business cards with me, usually keeping them in my coat pocket. I had probably 100 to 150 with me. I passed a few out, and I left my stack of cards on a table where everyone was sitting. I got occupied talking to one of the few women that came to the meeting. And when it was time to go, my business cards were gone.

WHY would anyone steal someone else's business cards? They are only worth a few bucks, and I have plenty of others left. But this is ridiculous. One person said that she saw someone else put the cards in his pocket, but she did nothing to stop him and didn't tell me at the time.

If you don't, 2600 is generally a group of hackers and the like. It reminded me of why I generally can't stand geeks.

Has anyone else had any trouble with a 2600 group?

I know this might sound underhand but one reason to remove your cards would be to make you look unprofessional. If someone came and talked to you and said have you got a card and your answer is no it doesn't look good but then if the person on the next table is offering the same as you does have cards they will look prepared and professional. It would be undermining the competition. I know it is not a nice thing to consider.
2600 is a pretty adolescent group of people.

I admit, they occasionally do some cool stuff, but most of it is pretty juvenile. I think it's doubtful that anyone there would be willing to pay for your services, anyway. They usually are more of a do-it-themselves group because they don't have large budgets.

Chip H.

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Well, one guy in the group says he works for Cisco. Another guy says he is a manager of some type. But some of them are basically worthless bumbs. I doubt I will go back.

The 2600 group in my former town was a little better.

Another interesting thing is that everyone shows up at least 45 minutes late.

I actually did meet a fantastic lady at the meeting. She came with her boy friend, but she sounded like she might just want to "hang out" with me. Thus, maybe she could lead me to her single friends.

Thanks everyone.
langleymass said:
If you don't, 2600 is generally a group of hackers and the like

Is it not reasonable to assume that someone in this group might use this info toward identity theft? Or do you subscribe to the "honor among thieves" morality?

chiph said:
2600 is a pretty adolescent group of people

Adolescent prank?

I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.

DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Could it possibly be someone in the same line of work trying to eliminate the competition from reaching potential new clients? It sounds dirty, and it's not very professional, but I've seen worse...

Hope This Helps!

Beer Consumption Analyst

"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M.C. Escher
Maybe the guy stole your cards to act "important". He'll probably hand them out and pretend he is you. :)


Funny how no one has offered the "benefit of doubt" defense so far.

Well I'm here to offer it. Maybe it was a mistake. They do happen. Absent-mindedness in a group of techno-geeks is not unheard of.

I have been at a few events with others where one of us would leave early and others would "clean up" our stuff to bring to the next event.... Someone in that situation could have "cleaned up" the wrong stack of cards... particularly since they wouldn't have been their own (familiar cards) to begin with.

Just pointing out that it doesn't have to be the nefarious plotting of the consultant across town.

Kudos to you for being the optimist of the group. I guess this is an excellent insight into how cynical the world has become.

I am what I am based on the decisions I have made.

DoubleD [bigcheeks]
Well, whoever stole my business cards has my contact information. They can certainly call me up.

lol. "Dood, I just found these cards, are they yours, maaaaaaaaan?"

All hail the INTERWEB!
Most interesting to me is the fact that this thread started in September of 2005 and was most recently posted to in August of 2005.


this thread started in September of 2005
Wasn't it January of 2005? September of 2005 still seems to be a couple of days away? Or do you see your dates here as 05/09/2005, or 09/05/2005? Mine shows as "9 Jan 05".

In any case, some threads were revived after much longer periods (like 2 years or so).

Or do you see your dates here as 05/09/2005, or 09/05/2005? Mine show up as "9 Jan 05 13:47".

Hello Stella,
OK, apparently I shouldn't believe my eyes after an exhausting week of vacation. [3eyes]

So much for double checking before I hit submit... I probably could have triple checked it and still would have seen it incorrectly. Oh well, back to my job as Safety Inspector for Sector 7G at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.


OK,apparently I shouldn't believe my eyes after an exhausting week of vacation

There is another possibility, though. Maybe you did see what you think you did? Some momentarily glitch, or something, could happen. PrintScreen or even Copy&Paste can help sometimes to take another look later at something you can't believe you are seeing. Oh well.

Nice job, by the way! ;-)
Thadeus said:
Oh well, back to my job as Safety Inspector for Sector 7G at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

You just have to love Homer. I am especially fond of drunken Homer.

*** "You're right, Moe. You're always Moe."

*** Bart: You did it, Dad!
Homer: You can't prove I did it!
Lisa: No, you saved our lives!
Homer: I could do a lot of things if I had the money.
Lisa: What?!
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