I use the following code to open the report
and connect to the DB using the odbc connection
CAL042 Clareports
THe RetrieveStoredProcParams methid returns a memory overflow error and when I exclude this and run the report
using the PrintReport method the report ignores my stored proc parameters and creates a report using the default parameters
CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = TestReport.rtp
CrystalReport1.Connect = "DSN = CAL042 Clareports;UID = user ;PWD = password ;DSQ = Clareports"
ParamCount = CrystalReport1.RetrieveStoredProcParams - this returns an out of memory error
CrystalReport1.StoredProcParam(0) = "W"
CrystalReport1.StoredProcParam(1) = "%"
CrystalReport1.StoredProcParam(2) = "%"
CrystalReport1.StoredProcParam(3) = "%"
CrystalReport1.StoredProcParam(4) = "%"
CrystalReport1.StoredProcParam(5) = "3rd Party%"
CrystalReport1.StoredProcParam(6) = "%"