I have been trying to get two tables to be able to link and replace information. One of my tables just consists of two columns - one with an abbreviation and the second with the abbreviation all spelled out. I have another table that has several records and one column in the table contains these abbreviations as values. I would like to replace the columns in the second table with the abbreviations spelled out that are stated in the first table.
Here's what I'm really want to do but I'm not sure how to put this into a query(or another idea):
I want to match
[Form]![Form1]![Text0].MakeAbbr = Make.MakeAbbr
then replace
Where [Form]![Form1]![Text0] and Make are my two tables
Thanks in advanced for all the help!
Here's what I'm really want to do but I'm not sure how to put this into a query(or another idea):
I want to match
[Form]![Form1]![Text0].MakeAbbr = Make.MakeAbbr
then replace
Where [Form]![Form1]![Text0] and Make are my two tables
Thanks in advanced for all the help!