I'm using Crystal Report 8.5. And recrystallize. Progress Database via ODBC Merant Datadirect 4.1 driver
I run reports and all is working well.
I compile the report and runs very well.
but if i recrystallize the report and try to see over the web it doesnt work. (work with one table but doesnt work with many)
i trace the odbc and found that the sql synatx used is not correct.
the syntax must be open equal. I modify the windows registry to use this syntax in Crystal Designer and compiled reports
but i dont know where or how make the same for the server.
any clue?
I already fix the permissions of IWAM_ and IIS_ user to the folders and all this stuff.
I run reports and all is working well.
I compile the report and runs very well.
but if i recrystallize the report and try to see over the web it doesnt work. (work with one table but doesnt work with many)
i trace the odbc and found that the sql synatx used is not correct.
the syntax must be open equal. I modify the windows registry to use this syntax in Crystal Designer and compiled reports
but i dont know where or how make the same for the server.
any clue?
I already fix the permissions of IWAM_ and IIS_ user to the folders and all this stuff.