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Trip to "/" 1

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Feb 22, 2002
How would I go about trimming to the slash in MyString..

Dim MyString

mystring = "/site/page.asp"

and return "page.asp"

Thats "trim" not "trip"

what a day.
hey snowboardr
do you want to get rid of that in this string only or is this soemthing you want dynamicaly for a input field?
if this is the string that needs to have it done to
this should work out fine
Dim MyString
MyString = &quot;/site/page.asp&quot;

MyString = Replace(MyString,&quot;/site/&quot;,&quot;&quot;,1,1)
%> [bomb]
I may not get it the 1st or 2nd time,
but how sweet that 15th time can be.
Well im attempting to make a directory structure thing.. or whatever you would call it. Something like this..


on the page it would display...

Lesson > Lesson 1


And I also have to make Lesson a url, and lesson 1 a url
like so..

Lesson = /lesson/
Lesson 1 = /lesson/lesson_1.asp

Havn't come up with a way to do this yet..

I have used replace(ScriptName, &quot;/&quot;, &quot; > &quot;) but that still doesnt help me for the url, and capitalizing...


you can manipulate the string this way to get the posrtions out
path = &quot;/lesson/lesson_1.asp&quot;
path = right(path, 12)
path = Replace(path,&quot;.asp&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
' returns lesson_1
'if you really wanted you can do another replace for the _

you actually don't trim off anything but cut off and show the portion you watn like
path = left(path, 1) 'returns /
path = right(path, 4) 'returns .asp

There has to be a easier way though and if someone else doesn't post it I'll find it. [bomb]
I may not get it the 1st or 2nd time,
but how sweet that 15th time can be.
rough but whadda ya expect fer a 5 min job

<%@ language=&quot;vbscript&quot;%>
<%dim str_filepath
dim lng_currentpointer
str_filepath= &quot;/mysite/classes/class1/lesson1/lesson1.asp&quot;
lng_currentpointer = instr(str_filepath, &quot;/&quot;)
while lng_currentpointer > 0
%> <a href=&quot;<%=left(str_filepath, lng_currentpointer)%>&quot;>
<% =left(str_filepath, lng_currentpointer)
%> </a><br />
lng_currentpointer = instr(lng_currentpointer + 1, str_filepath, &quot;/&quot;)
%> <a href=&quot;<%=str_filepath%>&quot;><%=str_filepath
%> </a><br /> codestorm
Fire bad. Tree pretty. - Buffy
select * from population where talent > 'average'
<insert witticism here>
Thought about it a bit now .. still a kludge, but ..

<%@enablesessionstate=&quot;false&quot; language=&quot;vbscript&quot;%>
<title>File Path Links Test</title>
<%dim str_filepath
dim lng_currentpointer
dim str_cumulativefilepath
str_filepath= &quot;/mysite/classes/class1/lesson1/lesson1.asp&quot;
str_filepath = split(str_filepath, &quot;/&quot;)
if isarray(str_filepath) then
str_cumulativefilepath = str_filepath(lbound(str_filepath))
for lng_currentpointer = lbound(str_filepath) to ubound(str_filepath)
str_cumulativefilepath = str_cumulativefilepath & &quot;/&quot; & _
if len(str_filepath(lng_currentpointer)) > 0 then
%> <a href=&quot;<%=str_cumulativefilepath%>&quot;>
<% Response.write str_filepath(lng_currentpointer)
%> </a>
<% end if
if lng_currentpointer < ubound(str_filepath) and _
lng_currentpointer > lbound(str_filepath) then
<% end if
end if
%> </body>
Fire bad. Tree pretty. - Buffy
select * from population where talent > 'average'
<insert witticism here>
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Part and Inventory Search

