I have two fields that are a number in the database that is to be displayed on my report as:
Priority Range: 1 to 9
I tried using this formula:
totext({SSSP030A.FROMPRI}) + " to " + totext({SSSP030A.TOPRI})
However on my report it appears as:
Pritority Range: 1.00 to 9.00
How can I get rid of the decimal places? Can I use a function similar to trim?
Thanks! s-)
Priority Range: 1 to 9
I tried using this formula:
totext({SSSP030A.FROMPRI}) + " to " + totext({SSSP030A.TOPRI})
However on my report it appears as:
Pritority Range: 1.00 to 9.00
How can I get rid of the decimal places? Can I use a function similar to trim?
Thanks! s-)