I have a Report, with a Sub_Report.
The Sub_Report is a Continuous Form.
My 'TaskName' lodas into the Sub_Report.
'TaskName' fields are like:
I would like to show only the alphabetical names, not the numbers. HOWEVER, I need to keep the sort order provided by those numbers, so I can't trim it in the query (which also happens to be a crosstab query, making this harder).
I know the syntax to do it in a query:
But I don't know how to do it after-the-fact in the report.
Thanks. Sean.
The Sub_Report is a Continuous Form.
My 'TaskName' lodas into the Sub_Report.
'TaskName' fields are like:
01. Beginning Balance
02. Received
03. Completed
04. Ending Balance
% Errors
I would like to show only the alphabetical names, not the numbers. HOWEVER, I need to keep the sort order provided by those numbers, so I can't trim it in the query (which also happens to be a crosstab query, making this harder).
I know the syntax to do it in a query:
=IIf(InStr([TaskName],". ")>0,Trim(Mid([TaskName],InStr([TaskName],".")+1)),[TaskName])
But I don't know how to do it after-the-fact in the report.
Thanks. Sean.