What i want to do is edit information/content on my site, via my site, without having to go into the editors and stuff.
I'm just talking about content, not coding.
What I was thinking is having a page where I could log onto and it would display the contents in a form.
(e.g form fields that are pre-filled with previous, out of date data)
I could then edit what it says in these fields, click Save/Submit and then the new content would replace the old.
An example:
I have a personal page. I say I like cabbage. so for starters I put cabbage in the likes field, click submit, in the database under likes in my record it says cabbage.
a week goes by and I am turning green(or red) after eating so much cabbage, and I'm pretty much sick of it all. I decide to go on the EDIT version of my personal site, and change cabbage for tomatoes. click save, so from then on it says I like tomatoes.
(for the record I like cabbages, i think one day scientists will realise it is the actual cure for the common cold... ok thats a lie, but I do like cabbage.)
I have the codes for entering answers to a form to create a unique record, but to modify an existing record, i'm pretty much in the dark place.
Please help...
Make Sense? I hope so (-: