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treemap contains method classCastException

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Nov 15, 2004
i have problem in TreeMap Contains method....
My treeMap name is Clienthistory(K,V)
where K = object (String clientName)
V = UserDefine LinkedList.
While appending the newClient.. if this new Client already Exist then i have to take the value(as a linkedList) and
append it in to the Exisiting LinkedList....Because before adding the client linkedlist in treemap it is already genereated..

every time i initialized the linked list for new client......

in my linkedList Add() method i used (Comparable obj) as an argument
public class LinkedList {
public void add (Comparable obj)
some statment for addition....


for creating treeMap ... i am using WriteRecord class....
I am usinf Sax parser for parse my xml document..

public class WriteRecord extends DefaultHandler{

private myDomain.LinkedList linkedRecordList = null;

--- some code ---

public void endElement(String uri, String localname, String qname)
throws SAXException {

---- some code ----

linkedRecordList.add(record); // --> for new client linkedlist is alreay generated
// i have to append in this linkedlist from exisiting treeMap...


bool = clientHistory.containsKey(clientName);
if (bool){
Object obj = clientHistory.get( clientName);

Comparable rec = (Comparable)obj; // because my LinkedList add method
// has Comparable obj argument

here i got the classCast Exception.. i know that this casting is not allowed
But it is my requirement.........How i can do this...

linkedRecordList.add(rec); // rec - Special Record type(contains date/discription/min)
// This linkedList contains (old + new) records for the client.....

clientHistory.remove(clientName); // for that client i remove the existing LinkedList
System.out.println("Record remove from tree map for the client = " + clientName);

clientHistory.put(clientName,linkedRecordList); // new linkedList contains (old+new) records
System.out.println("Record added for the client = " + clientName);


Your help is appriciated.....


Humm. I don't know if I fully understood your problem, but I guess you want to call a method that takes as argument a Comparable object with an object that doesn't extend Comparable?

Ok, as you said, you cannot do it.

Possible solutions:

1.- Add another add method to your LinkedList that accepts an Object as parameter.

2.- Make your special record type extend from Comparable.



i can't write new add method...because in my add method i am doing the sorting of my records at insertion time....

here my both class for your ready reference...

public class LinkedList {
Node front = null;
Node rear = null;
int num_items = 0; // Current number of items.

// Could this class use a constructor?

// Instance method to add a data item.
public void add (Comparable obj)
if (front == null) {
front = new Node (obj);
rear = front;
else {
// Find the right place.
Node temp_ptr=front, prev_ptr=front;
boolean found = false;
while ( (!found) && (temp_ptr != null) ) {
if (temp_ptr.data.compareTo(obj) > 0) {
found = true;
prev_ptr = temp_ptr;
temp_ptr = temp_ptr.next;
// Now insert.
if (!found) { // Insert at rear.
rear.next = new Node (obj);
rear = rear.next;
else if (temp_ptr == front) { // Insert in front.
Node Lptr = new Node (obj);
Lptr.next = front;
front = Lptr;
else { // Insert in the middle.
Node Lptr = new Node (obj);
prev_ptr.next = Lptr;
Lptr.next = temp_ptr;

public ListIterator iterator(){
return new ListIterator(front);

public class Node {
Comparable data = null;
Node next = null;

// Constructor.
public Node (Comparable obj)
data = obj; next = null;

// Accessor.
public Comparable get_data ()
return data;

public String toString(){
return data.toString();
************here my Record class *****
public class Record implements Comparable{

Date date;
String description;
float hours;
static int returnValue;
Record next;
Record prev;
public Record(Date date, String description, float hours)
public String toString(){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

return sb.toString();
public Date getDate() {
return date;

public void setDate(Date date) {
this.date = date;
public String getDescription() {
return description;

public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public float getHours() {
return hours;

public void setHours(float hours) {
this.hours = hours;

public int compareTo(Object obj){

if (!(obj instanceof Record)){
System.err.println("This is not Record object...Record object is expected.");
// System.out.println("current date = " + getDate());
// System.out.println("new date = " + (((Record)obj).getDate()));
// System.out.println("return = " + getDate().compareTo(((Record)obj).getDate()));
return getDate().compareTo(((Record)obj).getDate());

}// end compareTo

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

class testcp
       public static void main(String args[])
               Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
               long l = 86400000;
               float h = 60*60*1000;

               //Record r = new Record(cal.getTime(),DateFormat.parseString("))    
    Calendar thisDayZero = new GregorianCalendar(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH 
    // Get difference in milliseconds
    long diffMillis = cal.getTimeInMillis()-thisDayZero.getTimeInMillis();
               Record r = new Record(cal.getTime(),"describe1",diffMillis);
               LinkedList myLink = new LinkedList();
               myLink.add(new Node(r));
import java.util.*;
    public class Node implements Comparable{
         Comparable data = null;
          Node next = null;

          // Constructor.
          public Node (Comparable obj)
            data = obj;  next = null;
          // Accessor.
          public Comparable get_data ()
            return data;

        public String toString(){
            return data.toString();
        public  int compareTo(Object obj){return 0;}
import java.util.*;
public class LinkedList {
      Node front = null;
      Node rear = null;
      int num_items = 0;      // Current number of items.

      // Could this class use a constructor?

      // Instance method to add a data item.
      public void add (Comparable obj)
        if (front == null) {
          front = new Node (obj);
          rear = front;
        else {
          // Find the right place.
          Node temp_ptr=front, prev_ptr=front;
          boolean found = false;
          while ( (!found) && (temp_ptr != null) ) {
            if (temp_ptr.data.compareTo(obj) > 0) {
              found = true;
            prev_ptr = temp_ptr;
            temp_ptr = temp_ptr.next;
          // Now insert.
          if (!found) { // Insert at rear.
        rear.next = new Node (obj);
        rear = rear.next;
          else if (temp_ptr == front) { // Insert in front.
        Node Lptr = new Node (obj);
            Lptr.next = front;
            front = Lptr;
          else { // Insert in the middle.
        Node Lptr = new Node (obj);
        prev_ptr.next = Lptr;
        Lptr.next = temp_ptr;
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