Is there a way to test the function Eval() for a valid return?
I'm receiving Error 2425: "The expression can't be found"
Thanks for your time.
I'm receiving Error 2425: "The expression can't be found"
'With formula table
Do while not .EOF
strAnswer = !formula
For Each ctl In Me.Section(acDetail).Controls
Do Until InStr(1, strAnswer, ctl.Tag) = 0
strAnswer = Replace(strAnswer, ctl.Tag, ctl.value, 1, 1)
[COLOR=red]If IsError(Eval(strAnswer)) = True Then[/color red]
Call ScreenWrite
'ScreenWrite will
'parse formula for all Vars
'get var properties
'ctl.tag = VarName
'Unhide next control
answer = Eval(strAnswer)
Thanks for your time.