Access 2003
Hi All,
I got this code off the MS website. It transposes data from a query or table into a new table.
I have it working fine, but I am not too familiar with VBA and I was wondering if it would be possible to have the heading names of the fields in the table that it creates, changed?
By default it names them "1","2" etc.
Any info really appreciated.
Hi All,
I got this code off the MS website. It transposes data from a query or table into a new table.
I have it working fine, but I am not too familiar with VBA and I was wondering if it would be possible to have the heading names of the fields in the table that it creates, changed?
By default it names them "1","2" etc.
Function Transposer(strSource As String, strTarget As String)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdfNewDef As DAO.TableDef
Dim fldNewField As DAO.Field
Dim rstSource As DAO.Recordset, rstTarget As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
On Error GoTo Transposer_Err
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rstSource = db.OpenRecordset(strSource)
' Create a new table to hold the transposed data.
' Create a field for each record in the original table.
Set tdfNewDef = db.CreateTableDef(strTarget)
For i = 0 To rstSource.RecordCount
Set fldNewField = tdfNewDef.CreateField(CStr(i + 1), dbText)
tdfNewDef.Fields.Append fldNewField
Next i
db.TableDefs.Append tdfNewDef
' Open the new table and fill the first field with
' field names from the original table.
Set rstTarget = db.OpenRecordset(strTarget)
For i = 0 To rstSource.Fields.Count - 1
With rstTarget
.Fields(0) = rstSource.Fields(i).Name
End With
Next i
' Fill each column of the new table
' with a record from the original table.
For j = 0 To rstSource.Fields.Count - 1
' Begin with the second field, because the first field
' already contains the field names.
For i = 1 To rstTarget.Fields.Count - 1
With rstTarget
.Fields(i) = rstSource.Fields(j)
End With
Next i
Next j
Exit Function
Select Case Err
Case 3010
MsgBox "The table " & strTarget & " already exists."
Case 3078
MsgBox "The table " & strSource & " doesn't exist."
Case Else
MsgBox CStr(Err) & " " & Err.Description
End Select
Exit Function
End Function
Any info really appreciated.