I'm trying to set a transparent image for a command button.
Of course, I have a GIF file but when I try selecting it for the button it gives me the following error:
"Access doesn't support the format of the file ..., or the file is too large. Try converting the file to BMP or GIF format."
Now the file is a tiny 149 bytes (!) file.
Of course I can convert it to BMP but I lose transparency.
If I put the background on Greyish it will look wierd on a computer with different Windows theme.
Anybody has any idea what I need to do?
Of course, I have a GIF file but when I try selecting it for the button it gives me the following error:
"Access doesn't support the format of the file ..., or the file is too large. Try converting the file to BMP or GIF format."
Now the file is a tiny 149 bytes (!) file.
Of course I can convert it to BMP but I lose transparency.
If I put the background on Greyish it will look wierd on a computer with different Windows theme.
Anybody has any idea what I need to do?