I have scans of 2 pencil drawings,one of a leg and one of the bones to go in side it. How do I make the 'white' pixels of the 'leg' layer transparent so that the bones on the layer below show through?
I believe you might be better asking this in the Photoshop forum. But... can't you open the fikle of the bones scan in PS against a transparent background, then copy and paste it as a new layer on top of the leg scan? Then merge layers? Make sure of course that your two images are of the same resolution or PS will resize one till they are the same - and this may make your perspective way off.
thanks,yes- this method does work OK in B/W but.. I want to apply different colours to the layers and then the bones will appear to float above the 'leg' layer as an overlay instead of appearing to be inside.
Open up the bones image, select all, cut, go into quick mask mode (Q), the paste, then exist quick mask (Q) and then invert (Ctrl+Shift+I), then press (D) then goto EDIT > FILL and fill the marquee with foreground color. Now you will have elimated the white around the edges and possibly some from the bone, but that doesn't matter. Now simply select all, copy, and paste over top of the leg and then use a blending mode to fit it in nicely.
So you just want white areas on one layer to be transparent, is that it?
Assuming the 'leg' layer is over the 'bone' layer, try double-clicking the upper layer and look at the 'Blend if..' sliders and the bottom. Make sure 'Blend If' is set to Gray.
Drag the right 'This Layer' slider to the left slightly, making sure that the Preview check box is checked so you can see the effect. To make the effect smoother, option/alt click the slider to break it in two. This allows a certain range to gradually become transparent.
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