I have been getting a transmit error when trying to ping another machine connected peer-to-peer to my computer.
I am running win2k and mcAfee but no fire wall, nor is internet connection sharing enabled.
I also get time out issues through Outlook and telnet will not connect to any mail server I have tried, I get an immediate connection failure return. Internet connection is fine but mail is unavilable.
I have had the advice from my ISP to uninstal all of my network protocols and reinstall them. I have done this but to no effect.
The machine was infected by MSBlast but I have removed this and installed the MS patch.
I would gratefully accept any suggestions before rebuilding the machine in question.
Want the best answers? See FAQ181-2886
I am running win2k and mcAfee but no fire wall, nor is internet connection sharing enabled.
I also get time out issues through Outlook and telnet will not connect to any mail server I have tried, I get an immediate connection failure return. Internet connection is fine but mail is unavilable.
I have had the advice from my ISP to uninstal all of my network protocols and reinstall them. I have done this but to no effect.
The machine was infected by MSBlast but I have removed this and installed the MS patch.
I would gratefully accept any suggestions before rebuilding the machine in question.
Want the best answers? See FAQ181-2886