Having problem running programs in foxpro version 2.5
getting the following error messages:
-Use of transgressed handle
-Transgressed node found during compaction
From FoxPro 2.6 help on transgressed handle error messages
Locate your problem in the table below. Note letters to the right of the error message: they correspond to suggested solutions listed below the table.
For this problem: Try solutions:
Error encountered while printing A, B, D, E, F, H, L, M
Error encountered on network A, B, D, E, F, H, J, N, O
Using Windows 3.0 A, B, D, E, F, H, K
Error encountered while using Report Writer/Label Generator B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K
Error encountered using RQBE B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K, M
Error encountered running or creating screens B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K
Error encountered opening DBFs B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K
Error encountered using LCK or Library B, D, E, H, N, P, Q
Error encountered using new hardware B, D, E, H
Error encountered issuing RUN command . . . B, D, E, F, G, H
Suggested Solutions:
A. If running Windows, change your video driver to standard VGA.
B. Remove extra device drivers and TSRs in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. (See How to Perform a Clean Boot)
C. Recreate your index.
With an IDX file, delete the index file, and recreate.
With a CDX file, DELETE TAG ALL, and recreate tags.
D. Remove disk caches (both hardware and software).
F. Increase files the number of files:
In CONFIG.SYS, FILES = statement
In AUTOEXEC.BAT, delete SHARE or add /F=5120 /L=500 to SHARE line.
G. Increase shell environment in CONFIG.SYS.
I. Recreate your database.
Issue COPY STRUCTURE to create a new file.
USE new database.
APPEND FROM old database.
J. Place following command in AUTOEXEC.BAT:
K. Increase the MEMLIMIT setting in CONFIG.FPW. For example, the following statement allocates 80 percent of your system's available memory to FoxPro with a minimum allocation of 4096K and a maximum of 8192K: MEMLIMIT = 80, 4096, 8192
L. Change the printer driver.
M. Remove third-party fonts.
N. If running Windows, exclude upper memory:
In CONFIG.SYS, add x=a000-FFFF on the EMM386 line
Issue WIN /D:X to start Windows
O. Use latest network drivers.
P. Use _SetHandSize() to set handle size.
Q. Free all locked handles David W. Grewe
ICQ VFP ActiveList #46145644
It's been a while, but when I've had problems with "transgressed handle error", I think it was memory related. 1. I'd check what you have loaded in memory and remove the programs one by one. 2. Replace Emm386 it may be corrupted. 3. Replace physical memory chip, actually you might try this first.
Other information that would be helpful in order to help diagnose the problem would be:
1. What OS are you running?
2. Has the app/fox 2.5 ever work correctly on this system? If it has, what has change since it worked?
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