This week I have had considerable problems generating the various data cubes when running Powerplay Transformer - I was encountering error code TR1901 ("The PowerCube can't be opened").
It subsequently transpired that the .mdc file had a lock set on it (i.e. it appeared that it was being shared with another user) but this is illogical because this is the only process that uses this file (we copy it into the user area after the processing is complete).
The only way I could get over this situation was to bounce the (Windows 2000) server and this released the locks.
Does anyone know how this problem might have occurred (e.g. could the lock have been set up by a previous (failed) run ?) and is there any easier way of removing the lock ?
It subsequently transpired that the .mdc file had a lock set on it (i.e. it appeared that it was being shared with another user) but this is illogical because this is the only process that uses this file (we copy it into the user area after the processing is complete).
The only way I could get over this situation was to bounce the (Windows 2000) server and this released the locks.
Does anyone know how this problem might have occurred (e.g. could the lock have been set up by a previous (failed) run ?) and is there any easier way of removing the lock ?