Mar 18, 2005 #1 Diogo Technical User Mar 22, 2001 143 PT Hi... Is there any way that i could transform some lines in only one. Ex. Jonh Smith B 123 Jonh Smith E 456 Jonh Smith E 789 Denis Smith B 123 Denis Smith E 456 transform in Jonh Smith 123 456 Jonh Smith 123 789 Denis Smith 123 456 Thanks any way... DR
Hi... Is there any way that i could transform some lines in only one. Ex. Jonh Smith B 123 Jonh Smith E 456 Jonh Smith E 789 Denis Smith B 123 Denis Smith E 456 transform in Jonh Smith 123 456 Jonh Smith 123 789 Denis Smith 123 456 Thanks any way... DR
Mar 18, 2005 1 #2 PHV MIS Nov 8, 2002 53,708 FR Something like this ? awk '$3=="B"{n=$4;next}{print $1,$2,n,$4}' /path/to/input > output Hope This Helps, PH. Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244 Upvote 0 Downvote
Something like this ? awk '$3=="B"{n=$4;next}{print $1,$2,n,$4}' /path/to/input > output Hope This Helps, PH. Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
Mar 18, 2005 Thread starter #3 Diogo Technical User Mar 22, 2001 143 PT Thanks its just it... Upvote 0 Downvote