I've got a macro which opens an exsisting table, deletes all the records then imports certain columns from a .txt file (using import specifications). This is done daily so the latest information is present in the table (the text file is updated each day).
After running the macro, the records are deleted but no new data is imported (no error messages occur). At first I thought the .txt file was too large but it only has 9857 records. I have tried it on a smaller version of the file with only a couple hundred of records and it works fine. The macro takes a little longer (so you can tell it's pulling in the data).
I had to set up the import specifications on a smaller version of the .txt file because Access hangs when I try to import the full file using the Import Text Wizard.
Any ideas?
After running the macro, the records are deleted but no new data is imported (no error messages occur). At first I thought the .txt file was too large but it only has 9857 records. I have tried it on a smaller version of the file with only a couple hundred of records and it works fine. The macro takes a little longer (so you can tell it's pulling in the data).
I had to set up the import specifications on a smaller version of the .txt file because Access hangs when I try to import the full file using the Import Text Wizard.
Any ideas?