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Transfering Data

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Jun 11, 1999
What is the best way to Transfer aa 3.2 gig HD to a 10.2 gig HD using Drive Copy? I also want to partition the 10.2 gig for 8 gig windows 98 and 2.2 gig lenox. Do I need partition magic for this? I have never partition a HD for 2 operating systems. Is there anything that I have to do further? <br>
<A HREF="mailto:watersd76@hotmail.com">watersd76@hotmail.com</A><br>
I am not too sure about Drive Copy, I have never used it, but I have used similar programs -- you should be able to identify when you are copying the hard drive, the specific size of the partition you are wanting to create on the new disk. Or else use fdisk and on the new disk create your 8GB partition -- just leave the rest of the disk alone -- most of the Linux installs partition the hard drive within its install, so just leave the rest of the hard drive unpartitioned.<br>
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;About your best bet would be to pop in your Linux CD; reboot your PC & use the fdisk program on that CD to create a 80MB bootable linux partition (type 83) [for LILO],a 10.0GB Win98 FAT32 (type &quot;l&quot; to find out which type # for this), a 2.0GB non-bootable Linux Partition (type 83) and a 120MB Linux Swap partition (type 82).<br>
Now you can boot to Windows (hitting &quot;F8&quot; right as windows starts to load & selecting &quot;6 Command Prompt only&quot; will save you having to wait on winblows to come up & then having to tell it to &quot;Restart my computer in MSDOS mode&quot;).<br>
at the &quot;C:\&gt;&quot; prompt type: &quot;format d: /u /s /c&quot;<br>
After it gets done formatting & you've told it what to label the 10.1GB DOS partition; type: &quot;attrib c:\*.* -h /s&quot; then: &quot;xcopy32 c:\*.* d: /s&quot;<br>
After about 3-6 hours; you will be ready to power down your computer, pull the original HDD then set up the new HDD as the Primary Master.<br>
Once you've accomplished this much you're <i>almost</i> there; now all you'll have to do is install Linux & tell it to put LILO on the boot record of /dev/hda1 (when you boot the computer LILO will prompt you to select which OS to boot...F1=Linux F2=Windows) and complete the rest of your Linux installation as you please.<br>
After you're finished installing Linux; go to the kitchen & get yourself a nice cold one out of the fridge....you deserve it ;) (Oh yeah: your computer's finished, you may use it as you like now) <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>*nix installation & program collector/reseller. Contact me if you think you've got one that I don't :)
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