is there any way to pass the value of a selected radio button from one form tag to another.
i have the info thats being selected, which is taken from a vector using a loop. at the moment its only the last value in the loop thats getting passed to the other forms.
adminUsername is the value of the whats behind the radio button. both these forms are on the same page. ive tried a couple of things with no success, each time only getting the last username in the vector.
i presume this is beacuse once the code is compiled on the server the last value of adminUsername is going to be stored and that what the next form is going to get. is there a way for the value of the selected username to be passed to the other form during runtime?
thanks for your help
is there any way to pass the value of a selected radio button from one form tag to another.
i have the info thats being selected, which is taken from a vector using a loop. at the moment its only the last value in the loop thats getting passed to the other forms.
<FORM name="frmAdminModify" method="post" action="ModifyAdmin.jsp">
<INPUT NAME="designerUsername" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="<%= adminUsername%>">
<TD><INPUT NAME="cmdModifyAdmin" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Modify"></TD>
adminUsername is the value of the whats behind the radio button. both these forms are on the same page. ive tried a couple of things with no success, each time only getting the last username in the vector.
i presume this is beacuse once the code is compiled on the server the last value of adminUsername is going to be stored and that what the next form is going to get. is there a way for the value of the selected username to be passed to the other form during runtime?
thanks for your help