We have a situation where it would be desireable to have the attendant provide a caller from a batphone an outside line.
We have never done this before. Policy has been to have attendant dial the number, but that is proving problematic.
AFAIK we have no restrictions on the TN's involved.
How is this Done? waht needs to be set up on the tn and waht does the attendant do?
Any help would be great!
We have a situation where it would be desireable to have the attendant provide a caller from a batphone an outside line.
We have never done this before. Policy has been to have attendant dial the number, but that is proving problematic.
AFAIK we have no restrictions on the TN's involved.
How is this Done? waht needs to be set up on the tn and waht does the attendant do?
Any help would be great!