I've installed a new hard disk and re-loaded all my programs and files. I was not able to a mass disk image transfer due to corruption in certain areas of the old disk, however I do have access to files on the old disk.
On the old disk, I had Tbird well trained to recognize spam, and, of course, I had the spelling dictionary updated to my liking. I assume this spelling and spam filtering information must reside in files somewhere on the disk. Anybody know what files to look for? Or - how can I otherwise transfer the information form the old disk to the new one?
On the old disk, I had Tbird well trained to recognize spam, and, of course, I had the spelling dictionary updated to my liking. I assume this spelling and spam filtering information must reside in files somewhere on the disk. Anybody know what files to look for? Or - how can I otherwise transfer the information form the old disk to the new one?