We are looking at purchasing a TalkSwitch telephone system. We will install it at our main public phone number, then program it to say "For Joe, press 1, for Susan, press 2, etc." Then the calls will be forwarded to our respective, geographically disbursed locations.
We have been told that if a caller presses 1, then the TalkSwitch will forward the call, but will keep our main phone line "occupied" until the call is completed. We have been told that one way around this is to use a service from the phone company called "Transfer and Clear" or Centrex.
The phone company knows nothing about "transfer and clear" but they do know about Centrex, which sounds relatively expensive, and would practically negate the need for the little TalkSwitch phone system (but at a much higher cost).
I am surprised first of all that the TalkSwitch would not "free up" our main telephone line after it had already forwarded the call... but I've been told that that is the case from two different reps. Is there not a small (inexpensive) phone system that WOULD free up that line (transfer and clear)? Or is there another feature from the phone company that we could ask about? (They have mentioned hunting/rollover, but that involves having more than one line, etc....)
For what it is worth, our business gets very few calls per day (5 - 10), but when we get a call, we are usually on it for an hour or so.
Again, my novice brain finds it strange that there isn't a simple call forwarding device that would simply answer the incoming call, provide the caller with options regarding who to talk to, then forward the call, then free up the line for another incoming call.
TIA for your advice.
We have been told that if a caller presses 1, then the TalkSwitch will forward the call, but will keep our main phone line "occupied" until the call is completed. We have been told that one way around this is to use a service from the phone company called "Transfer and Clear" or Centrex.
The phone company knows nothing about "transfer and clear" but they do know about Centrex, which sounds relatively expensive, and would practically negate the need for the little TalkSwitch phone system (but at a much higher cost).
I am surprised first of all that the TalkSwitch would not "free up" our main telephone line after it had already forwarded the call... but I've been told that that is the case from two different reps. Is there not a small (inexpensive) phone system that WOULD free up that line (transfer and clear)? Or is there another feature from the phone company that we could ask about? (They have mentioned hunting/rollover, but that involves having more than one line, etc....)
For what it is worth, our business gets very few calls per day (5 - 10), but when we get a call, we are usually on it for an hour or so.
Again, my novice brain finds it strange that there isn't a simple call forwarding device that would simply answer the incoming call, provide the caller with options regarding who to talk to, then forward the call, then free up the line for another incoming call.
TIA for your advice.