Came in to work today to find our SQL server has a problem.
When anybody tries to access the data via a web page we get the error:-
The log file for database 'Main' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space.
We've had a look at the server and found a transaction log 133gig in size has eaten up the hard drive. My understanding is that the log is used to hold transactions waiting to be applied to the database proper. It is in effect transactions that have not yet been 'commited' and that could be rolled back.
Anybody have any ideas what could have caused this to occur?
Anybody any ideas on how I should get rid of the log? The browser text says back it up and delete but that will take a few hours even though its almost certainly what I will do.
When anybody tries to access the data via a web page we get the error:-
The log file for database 'Main' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space.
We've had a look at the server and found a transaction log 133gig in size has eaten up the hard drive. My understanding is that the log is used to hold transactions waiting to be applied to the database proper. It is in effect transactions that have not yet been 'commited' and that could be rolled back.
Anybody have any ideas what could have caused this to occur?
Anybody any ideas on how I should get rid of the log? The browser text says back it up and delete but that will take a few hours even though its almost certainly what I will do.