Im building a system that tracks peoples applications to our service, a person can apply more than once and the application is made in various steps at certain steps the person can be 'rejected' or 'referred on' or they can proceed to the next step...
Certain data will be collected at each step, the steps are:
1. Initial Contact
2. Assessment
3. Admission
At Initial Contact if the person has not applied before then we will need thier personal details (name, address, phone etc) otherwise we will just collect the specific information about this application...
At Assessment we will gather more information about the application.
At Admission we will input information about thier acceptance into the program.
Now each Assessment will need to be linked to an Initial Contact... and an Admission will need to be linked to an Assessment...
This is the general table structure i have thought of:
- ClientID
- Name, Address, Etc etc
- InitialContactID
- ClientID
- Other info
- InitialContactID
- other stuff
- InitialContactID
- other stuff
What do u think of this structure and general problem?
Im building a system that tracks peoples applications to our service, a person can apply more than once and the application is made in various steps at certain steps the person can be 'rejected' or 'referred on' or they can proceed to the next step...
Certain data will be collected at each step, the steps are:
1. Initial Contact
2. Assessment
3. Admission
At Initial Contact if the person has not applied before then we will need thier personal details (name, address, phone etc) otherwise we will just collect the specific information about this application...
At Assessment we will gather more information about the application.
At Admission we will input information about thier acceptance into the program.
Now each Assessment will need to be linked to an Initial Contact... and an Admission will need to be linked to an Assessment...
This is the general table structure i have thought of:
- ClientID
- Name, Address, Etc etc
- InitialContactID
- ClientID
- Other info
- InitialContactID
- other stuff
- InitialContactID
- other stuff
What do u think of this structure and general problem?