I'm pulling numbers from a database. How can I pull two numbers from the database but instead of showing both numbers, showing the TOTAL of these two numbers? Currently my cfquery statement looks like this (This pulls one number at a time):
<cfquery name="get23" datasource="#application.dsn#">
select *
from tblA
where typeId = '1' and phaseId = '1' and yearid between '#begMonth#' and '#endMonth#'
order by yearmthId
And then I pull the data in like this:
<cfif #get23.recordcount# gte 1>
<td><cfinput name="INS" type="Text" value="#get23.ins#" size="3" tabindex="1" Required="Yes" message="Do Over" validate="integer"></td>
<td><cfinput name="INS" type="Text" value="" size="3" tabindex="1" Required="Yes" message="Do Over" validate="integer"></td>
How can I pull two numbers from the database, and only show their total, not their significant numbers?
THanks in advance for any help.
I'm pulling numbers from a database. How can I pull two numbers from the database but instead of showing both numbers, showing the TOTAL of these two numbers? Currently my cfquery statement looks like this (This pulls one number at a time):
<cfquery name="get23" datasource="#application.dsn#">
select *
from tblA
where typeId = '1' and phaseId = '1' and yearid between '#begMonth#' and '#endMonth#'
order by yearmthId
And then I pull the data in like this:
<cfif #get23.recordcount# gte 1>
<td><cfinput name="INS" type="Text" value="#get23.ins#" size="3" tabindex="1" Required="Yes" message="Do Over" validate="integer"></td>
<td><cfinput name="INS" type="Text" value="" size="3" tabindex="1" Required="Yes" message="Do Over" validate="integer"></td>
How can I pull two numbers from the database, and only show their total, not their significant numbers?
THanks in advance for any help.