I am reporting on call center employees using CR6. Individual agents stats are stored in a group footer (Which includes subtotals as well as calc'd fields for KPI's. I have created an additional group (time intervals) so can gather info for differnet time periods through the day.
Group #1 Header 9am (Time interval 8-9am)
Group #2 Header (Suppressed)
Group #2 Footer Agent (Mr Thompson)- calls-hr / idle time
Group #2 Footer Agent (Mr Smith) - calls-hr / idle time
Group #2 Footer Agent (Ms Thomas) - calls-hr / idle time
Group #1 Footer Total - CALLS-HR / AVE IDLE TM
Group #1 Header 10am (Time Interval 9-10am)
Agent Id Stats
Group #2 Footer Summary info on the Agent Stats.
I am not able to move information that is currently stored in the group footer for agent ID's into the details section. Being able to perform this report has had me stumped for a while now. Is it possible to get CR6 to perform summary calculations on group totals/formula fields in a format similar to that presented above?
Group #1 Header 9am (Time interval 8-9am)
Group #2 Header (Suppressed)
Group #2 Footer Agent (Mr Thompson)- calls-hr / idle time
Group #2 Footer Agent (Mr Smith) - calls-hr / idle time
Group #2 Footer Agent (Ms Thomas) - calls-hr / idle time
Group #1 Footer Total - CALLS-HR / AVE IDLE TM
Group #1 Header 10am (Time Interval 9-10am)
Agent Id Stats
Group #2 Footer Summary info on the Agent Stats.
I am not able to move information that is currently stored in the group footer for agent ID's into the details section. Being able to perform this report has had me stumped for a while now. Is it possible to get CR6 to perform summary calculations on group totals/formula fields in a format similar to that presented above?