hi all..
we have 8gb of real memory on the server and 4Gb of paging space, out of which 1Gb is used. I'm trying to fing out what exactly is using all memory
Shared memory:
$ ipcs -ma|awk ' { x += $10/1024/1024};END {print "Tot Mb of shared mem "x}'
Tot Mb of shared mem 2730.09
ps -ef|awk '{print $2}'|while read pid
ps v |grep -v TTY
done|awk '{ RSS += $7 ;TSIZ += $10 }END{print RSS + TSIZ }'
output of it is 637864, i.e. 600+ Mb
Therefore, total memory usage should be 2730.09Mb+637.864Mb=3.4Gb
However, 9Gb is used... How can I tell what is using rest of the memory?
Thank you
we have 8gb of real memory on the server and 4Gb of paging space, out of which 1Gb is used. I'm trying to fing out what exactly is using all memory
Shared memory:
$ ipcs -ma|awk ' { x += $10/1024/1024};END {print "Tot Mb of shared mem "x}'
Tot Mb of shared mem 2730.09
ps -ef|awk '{print $2}'|while read pid
ps v |grep -v TTY
done|awk '{ RSS += $7 ;TSIZ += $10 }END{print RSS + TSIZ }'
output of it is 637864, i.e. 600+ Mb
Therefore, total memory usage should be 2730.09Mb+637.864Mb=3.4Gb
However, 9Gb is used... How can I tell what is using rest of the memory?
Thank you