I've got a Toshiba T4800CT notebook.
When booting up it asks for a password.
Does anyone known a backdoor password or
a work around for this passsword.
You don't mention OS, this is for WinXP. Boot into Safe Mode (Press F8 repeatedly while booting) , try getting in with the Administrator login, password blank. That's your only option besides formatting & clean-installing OS. BTW if the hard drive is password protected you might as well throw it away, that password is stored in the drive's firmware, reformatting won't help.
I have never come across a hard drive that has firmware password protection. You may find that it is either the BIOS password that is set or some BIOS's allow for a password to be set for the HDD. BIOS passwords normally have a backdoor, but removing the CMOS battery for 30 seconds or so should wipe it. It's not always easy to get to a CMOS battery on a laptop though. If it is indeed a password on the HDD (which I dought) you would probably be out of luck.
Tell us the type of password & assure us that the machine hasn't been stolen.
sounds like its a BIOS boot password, which means you won't be able to boot anything else, or enter the BIOS.
Tosh laptops are a nightmare when it comes to this, as there is no easy way to reset them. You could try searching on the net for a default password (some of them did ship with a system default of t0shiba buts its likely its been changed.
Failing that, an authorised Tosh repair shop may have the USB or Parallel dongle which would allow a BIOS level password reset.
Good luck.
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