From Toshiba's web site: For Toshiba notebook PCs manufactured since the introduction of Windows XP, one or more of the following methods will be effective:
Toshiba Hardware utility method: Run the Toshiba Hardware utility from the Toshiba Console. It is also accessible (as 'HWSetup') from the Windows Control Panel. This utility provides a relatively user-friendly way to change the CMOS settings. Changes to some of the settings will require re-starting the PC (along with re-starting Windows). This method is the only way to access the CMOS settings on some of the newer notebook PCs (Satellite 5000 series, for example). (For these machines, pressing and holding the F12 key immediately after powering-on the notebook will allow you to alter the notebook's boot priority.)
If the notebook is fully off, and/or to avoid having to re-start it (and Windows), use one or the other of the following two methods. The PC will have to be truly off (not suspended, or in standby mode, or in hibernation mode). If an external keyboard is attached to the notebook (either directly or via a docking station or a port-replicator), disconnect it until you have completed this procedure.
F2 key method: Turn the notebook on. If you see an invitation to press the F2 key to enter Setup, do so. The Setup screen will appear.
Esc key method: Turn the notebook on. If you do not see a prompt to press the F2 key, then immediately press and hold the Esc key. When prompted to, press the F1 key. The Setup screen will appear.
For Toshiba notebook PCs manufactured before the introduction of Windows XP, one or more of the following methods are appropriate:
HWSetup method: Run the HWSetup utility from the Windows Control Panel. This utility provides a relatively user-friendly way to change the CMOS settings. Changes to some of the settings will require re-starting the PC (and Windows). HWSetup was pre-installed on all but early Toshiba notebook models. If it doesn't appear as a Control Panel applet on your notebook, you may be able to download it from the Toshiba Support website as part of the Toshiba Utilities package for your model.
Esc key method: If an external keyboard is attached to the notebook, either directly or via a docking station or a port-replicator, disconnect it. Turn the notebook on. Immediately press and hold the Esc key. When prompted to, press the F1 key. The Setup screen will appear. The PC will have to be truly off (not suspended, or in standby mode, or in hibernation mode) for this method to work.
TSETUP method: Run the TSETUP utility, under MS-DOS. TSETUP runs correctly only when executed from a 'native' MS-DOS prompt, and with the processor running in real mode -- so not from a Windows 'DOS box', and without any memory manager software running (EMM386.EXE, HIMEM.SYS, or QEMM386.EXE, for example). TSetup was pre-installed on most early Toshiba notebook models (except for the very earliest models). It is available from the Toshiba Support website.
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