As the title explains, I'm wanting to keep my application on top of all other programs on my desktop and I want to hide the Access Window. I can get either working individually, but can't get them to work together. I've attached the file because explaining what I've done to each form would only confuse you because I suck at explaining things when it comes to programming, plus it's a very lightweight program and very easy to follow when you look at it.
What I want to happen: Open the DB with MS Access Window Hidden, Splash page comes up and you click Ok. Then Slash page closes Menu comes up. From here click the 'Watch Netflix' button. Menu form closes and Netflix Window comes up. To get back to the Menu, double click the Netflix Window.
Back at the menu you can:
[li]Change the size of the Netflix viewing window from Small to Large by clicking the 'Change Screen Size' button.[/li]
[li]Set the size for the Small Viewing Window and Large Viewing Window separately - to allow for monitor size differences[/li]
[li]And of course, exit the Utility, closing anything that is open[/li]
Currently it works great, just without hiding the MS Access Window. I have the code in place to hide the MS Access Window, but it's commented out. If you comment out the TopMost code and uncomment the Hide MS Access Window code, the MS Access Window code works... but when you try to go from the Splash page to the Menu Form, it closes the Splash page, but won't open the Menu Form.
That's why I say they work ok individually, but not together.
I imagine it's an easy fix, and I'm just overlooking something, but I've tried several workarounds (and different code) and can't get it to work.
Appreciate any help with this I can get, and it's not an urgent issue... more of a project I'd like to make better. I currently use it as is... because with the TopMost code working, I can still see the Viewer above whatever I'm working on or if I'm gaming.