Crystal 2008
Oracle 9i
BOXI 3.1
In a subreport, I want to show descending results for the Occupations within a Division that have the 5 greatest total # employees within each Occupation. So:
Division ABC
Occupation Code Sum Total # Employees in Occupation
12345 500
23451 400
34512 300
45123 200
51234 100
I have created groups for Division and Occupation and I sum the # employees under Occupation based on employee unique id.
It seems I can only create TopN = 5 for a group based on a {table.field}. I want to create a TopN = 5 for the sum total # employees within each Occupation, and then present the Occupation and the sum total employees.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Oracle 9i
BOXI 3.1
In a subreport, I want to show descending results for the Occupations within a Division that have the 5 greatest total # employees within each Occupation. So:
Division ABC
Occupation Code Sum Total # Employees in Occupation
12345 500
23451 400
34512 300
45123 200
51234 100
I have created groups for Division and Occupation and I sum the # employees under Occupation based on employee unique id.
It seems I can only create TopN = 5 for a group based on a {table.field}. I want to create a TopN = 5 for the sum total # employees within each Occupation, and then present the Occupation and the sum total employees.
Thanks for your suggestions.