Hello, I have a report filtering a group on Top 20 and subtotaling with RunningValues so that only the totals of the Top 20 are calculated, and not the entire dataset. The issue is when there is less than 20. (I know this is a common request.) I've been all over the web on this one but am currently working on this solution, which does not require a lot of background coding.
For Group1, I have one row summing the order quantity (grouped by client), then another row with the RunningValue sums for order quantity. I also have a RunningValue countdistinct to number the Top 20. I put a Top 20 filter on sum(ordqty) and then a conditional Hidden expression on the RunningValue row so that the RunningValue row shows only the last row. This is easy enough when there are 20 or more rows. When there are less than 20, I found the solution below, which works. My problem is I can't get the two conditional expressions to work together, only separately. Any ideas on where I'm going wrong would be greatly appreciated. (I'm using an internal parameter hard-coded to show Top 20, by the way, although I could probably just as easily hard-code it in the expression.)
To show only the last RunningValue row when there are 20 or more entries, this expression in the Visibility property of the row works:
=iif(RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) <> Parameters!LimitTop.Value,true,false)
To show this footer with RunningValues when the number of grouped values returned is less than 20, this works:
=iif(RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,nothing) <>
I can't get them to work together. I tried using an or:
=iif((RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,nothing) <>
CountDistinct(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,"table1") or
RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) <> Parameters!LimitTop.Value),true,false)
But this dropped the conditionally hidden row in both scenarios. I think I might be off on my logic but now I've just hit a wall and can't get past it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, even if it's that I'm on the totally wrong track. Thank you.
For Group1, I have one row summing the order quantity (grouped by client), then another row with the RunningValue sums for order quantity. I also have a RunningValue countdistinct to number the Top 20. I put a Top 20 filter on sum(ordqty) and then a conditional Hidden expression on the RunningValue row so that the RunningValue row shows only the last row. This is easy enough when there are 20 or more rows. When there are less than 20, I found the solution below, which works. My problem is I can't get the two conditional expressions to work together, only separately. Any ideas on where I'm going wrong would be greatly appreciated. (I'm using an internal parameter hard-coded to show Top 20, by the way, although I could probably just as easily hard-code it in the expression.)
To show only the last RunningValue row when there are 20 or more entries, this expression in the Visibility property of the row works:
=iif(RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) <> Parameters!LimitTop.Value,true,false)
To show this footer with RunningValues when the number of grouped values returned is less than 20, this works:
=iif(RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,nothing) <>
I can't get them to work together. I tried using an or:
=iif((RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,nothing) <>
CountDistinct(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,"table1") or
RunningValue(Fields!xSelectTypeMlrIDorListID.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) <> Parameters!LimitTop.Value),true,false)
But this dropped the conditionally hidden row in both scenarios. I think I might be off on my logic but now I've just hit a wall and can't get past it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, even if it's that I'm on the totally wrong track. Thank you.