I am using tomcat5 installed from FC4 installation CD. It was working fine with default JVM - jre-1.4.2-gcj.
I have installed new JVM from SUN - jre-1.5.0-sun-update14 following instructions on I have doing this because deploy new openlaszlo.war, and it needs java from sun. Tomcat and other deployed servlets are working, and everything is OK. But when i try start tomcat with -security flag it stops. When I change JAVA_HOME manually to older (java-gcj), tomcat starts normally with same security flag, and the same catalina.policy & catalina.properties files.
Please help me start Tomcat5 with security flag and the new java-1.5.0-sun
I am using tomcat5 installed from FC4 installation CD. It was working fine with default JVM - jre-1.4.2-gcj.
I have installed new JVM from SUN - jre-1.5.0-sun-update14 following instructions on I have doing this because deploy new openlaszlo.war, and it needs java from sun. Tomcat and other deployed servlets are working, and everything is OK. But when i try start tomcat with -security flag it stops. When I change JAVA_HOME manually to older (java-gcj), tomcat starts normally with same security flag, and the same catalina.policy & catalina.properties files.
Please help me start Tomcat5 with security flag and the new java-1.5.0-sun