Hello everyone,
While using ManagedBean and more specifically in the methods, parameter passing is not allowed with the EL (expression language) at the HMI:
But from the EL version 2.2, you can pass a parameter to a method in a ManagedBean.
The problem is that Tomcat does not allow this. I found a solution that speaks of the jar el-impl-2.2.jar but I can not put in place.
Could someone tell me how to make Tomcat uses this jar?
Thank you in advance for your help.
While using ManagedBean and more specifically in the methods, parameter passing is not allowed with the EL (expression language) at the HMI:
<h: commandButton id = "testButton" value = "Test Button"
actionListener = "# {testBean.someMethod ('someString')}" />
level ManagedBean
public void someMethod (String param) {
System.out.println ("param:" + param);
But from the EL version 2.2, you can pass a parameter to a method in a ManagedBean.
The problem is that Tomcat does not allow this. I found a solution that speaks of the jar el-impl-2.2.jar but I can not put in place.
Could someone tell me how to make Tomcat uses this jar?
Thank you in advance for your help.