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token manual agent not filling form fields in sent email

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Technical User
Dec 13, 2005
hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Have a PHP form on our website which sends the user info to a Notes DB. It is working fine, however, I have a token manual agent that , when activated, should send the same info into a form which is sent in an email. The user is receiving the form with blank fields.
Could this be something to do with Char13 or how the agent is formatting?
Below is the agent code. I appreciate any help or direction. If you need any more information(I know this is sketchy) please let me know...

Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim view As NotesView

Dim newresponse As notesdocument
Dim db As notesdatabase
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase

Dim doc As notesdocument

Dim notesDocumentCollection As notesDocumentCollection
Dim dc As notesdocumentcollection

Dim emailbody As String
Dim temp, temp2 , temp3 As String
Dim i As Integer

Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments
Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument

i =0
If (doc.processed(0) = "" Or doc.processed(0)=Null Or doc.processed(0)="no") And doc.From(0)="correct email" Then
' Messagebox "value=" +doc.Body(0), 0, "STOP"
'Parse Body Field from New Mail and input into respective Notes Fields
temp = Strtoken(emailbody, Chr(13),0)
'Messagebox "value=" +temp , 0, "STOP"
temp2 = Strtoken(temp,": ",0)
temp3 = Strtoken(temp,": ",2)
Set doc2 = New NotesDocument( db )
If (temp<>Null) Or temp <> "" Then
'Messagebox "value=" +temp3 , 0, "STOP"
'Messagebox "value=" +Strtoken(temp,": ",2) , 0, "STOP"
Select Case temp2
Case "Company_Name" : doc2.cname=temp3
Case "Address" : doc2.caddress=temp3
Case "City" : doc2.ccity=temp3
Case "State" : doc2.cstate=temp3
Case "Zip" : doc2czip=temp3
Case "Country" : doc2.ccountry=temp3
Case "Phone" : doc2.cphone=temp3

Case "Website" : doc2.cweb=temp3
Case "ApplicantsName" : doc2.cappname=temp3
Case "salesmanagername" : doc2.sname=temp3
Case "salesmanagertitle" : doc2.stitle=temp3
Case "salesmanagerphone" : doc2.sphone=temp3
Case "salesmanagerfax" : doc2.sfax=temp3
Case "salesmanageremail" : doc2.semail=temp3
Case "marketingname" : doc2.mname=temp3
Case "marketingtitle" : doc2.mtitle=temp3
Case "marketingphone" : doc2.mphone=temp3
Case "marketingfax" : doc2.mfax=temp3
Case "marketingemail" : doc2.memail=temp3
Case "technicalname" : doc2.tname=temp3
Case "technicaltitle" : doc2.ttile=temp3
Case "technicalphone" : doc2.tphone=temp3
Case "technicalfax" : doc2.tfax=temp3
Case "technicalemail" : doc2.temail=temp3
Case "accountingname" : doc2.aname=temp3
Case "accountingtitle" : doc2.atitle=temp3
Case "accountingphone" : doc2.aphone=temp3
Case "accountingfax" : doc2.afax=temp3
Case "accountingemail" : doc2.aemail=temp3
Case "purchasingname" : doc2.pname=temp3
Case "purchasingtitle" : doc2.ptitle=temp3
Case "purchasingphone" : doc2.pphone=temp3
Case "purchasingfax" : doc2.pfax=temp3
Case "purchasingemail" : doc2.pemail=temp3

Case "primarybusiness" : doc2.cbusiness=temp3
Case "yearestablished" : doc2.cyear=temp3

Case "verticalmarketfocus.digitalvideo" : doc2.digitalaudio=temp3
Case "verticalmarketfocus.digitalaudio" : doc2.digitalvideo=temp3
Case "verticalmarketfocus.documentimaging" : doc2.documentimaging=temp3
Case "verticalmarketfocus.storagemanagement" : doc2.storagemanagement=temp3
Case "verticalmarketfocus.networking" : doc2.networking=temp3

Case "employeebreakdown.insidesales" : doc2.inside=temp3
Case "employeebreakdown.outsidesales" : doc2.outside=temp3
Case "employeebreakdown.technicalsupport" : doc2.technicalsupport=temp3
Case "employeebreakdown.marketing" : doc2.marketingsupport=temp3

Case "computerplatforms.apple" : doc2.apple=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.dec" : doc2.dec=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.pccomputer" : doc2.pc=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.dg" : doc2.dg=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.sgmips" : doc2.sg=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.ibmrs6000" : doc2.ibmrs6000=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.sun" : doc2.sun=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.hpapollo" : doc2.hp=temp3
Case "computerplatforms.other" : doc2.other=temp3

Case "valueaddedservicesprovided" : doc2.valueadd=temp3
Case "howattofits" : doc2.companyfocus=temp3
Case "canattoassist" : doc2.marketinggoals=temp3
Case "competingproductssold" : doc2.competingproducts=temp3
Case "productline1.name" : doc2.attoprod1=temp3
Case "productline1.1st3months" : doc2.first3prod1=temp3
Case "productline1.2nd3months" : doc2.secprod1=temp3
Case "productline1.3rd3months" : doc2.thirprod1=temp3
Case "productline1.4th3months" : doc2.forprod1=temp3
Case "productline2.name" : doc2.attoprod2=temp3
Case "productline2.1st3months" : doc2.first3prod2=temp3
Case "productline2.2nd3months" : doc2.secprod2=temp3
Case "productline2.3rd3months" : doc2.thirprod2=temp3
Case "productline2.4th3months" : doc2.forprod2=temp3
Case "productline3.name" : doc2.attoprod3=temp3
Case "productline3.1st3months" : doc2.first3prod3=temp3
Case "productline3.2nd3months" : doc2.secprod3=temp3
Case "productline3.3rd3months" : doc2.thirprod3=temp3
Case "productline3.4th3months" : doc2.forprod3=temp3
Case "productline4.name" : doc2.attoprod4=temp3
Case "productline4.1st3months" : doc2.first3prod4=temp3
Case "productline4.2nd3months" : doc2.secprod4=temp3
Case "productline4.3rd3months" : doc2.thirprod4=temp3
Case "productline4.4th3months" : doc2.forprod4=temp3
Case "notes" : doc2.notes=temp3
Case "contactnameprint" : doc2.contactnameprint=temp3
Case "attoassociateprint" : doc2.attoassociateprint=temp3
Case "contactnamesignature" : doc2.contactnamesignature=temp3
Case "attoassociatesignature" : doc2.attoassociatesignaturee=temp3
End Select
End If

emailbody=Strright(emailbody,Chr(10)) 'Process rest of paragraph minus previous line
' Messagebox "Body is. " +emailbody, 0, "STOP"
temp = Strtoken(emailbody, Chr(13),0)

' Messagebox "left of body is =" +Strleft(emailbody, Chr(12)) , 0, "STOP"
' Messagebox "value=" +temp , 0, "STOP"
' Messagebox "value=" +Strtoken(temp,": ",1) , 0, "STOP"
' Messagebox "value=" +Strtoken(temp,": ",2) , 0, "STOP"
If Len(temp)<1 Then
'previous was a blank line process next line
temp = Strtoken(emailbody, Chr(10),0)
End If

' Messagebox "value=" +temp , 0, "STOP"
temp2 = Strtoken(temp,": ",0)
' Messagebox "value=" +temp2 , 0, "STOP"
temp3 = Strtoken(temp,": ",2)

'find the value between the 2 colons. This will give us user input
Dim content, backup As String

content = Strright(emailbody,": ")
backup = content
content = Strleft(content,":")
content = Strleft(content,(Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10))) 'Go up 2 lines

'if there are 2 endlines in a row then it is a blank line
If Len(Strleft(content,(Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)))) > 1 Then
temp3 = Strtoken(temp,": ",2)
'Check again if this is the last token
If Len(content) <1 Then

temp3 = Strleftback(Strtoken(temp,": ",2),Chr(13))
End If
End If

' If temp2="howattofits" Then
' Messagebox "value of TEMP2= " +Strtoken(temp,": ",2) , 0, "STOP"
' End If
' temp3=content
' temp3 = Strleftback(temp3,Chr(13))

' newemailbody = Strright(emailbody,Chr(13))

Loop Until (temp3=Null Or i>135)
doc.processed = "yes"
Call doc.Save(True,True)
Call doc2.save(True,True)

'Notify selected people of new AWARE application
Dim doc18 As NotesDocument
Dim rtitem As NotesRichTextItem
Set doc18 = New NotesDocument( db )
Set rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem( doc18, "Body" )
doc18.Form = "Memo2"
doc18.Subject = "New Advantage Partner Application"
rtitem.appendText("Please take a look at new application for AWARE Partner received from ATTO Website")
rtitem.appendText("Click link to open")
Dim recipients(1) As String
recipients(0) = "correct email"
Call rtitem.appendDocLink(doc2, db.Title)
Call doc18.Send( True, recipients)
End If

Set doc2 = dc.GetNextDocument(doc)
Set doc = doc2
Loop Until (doc Is Nothing)

End Sub
I know my last post is a bit confusing so I will try to make a bit clearer.
The agent I will describe worked for years until a few changes were made to our website, however, the changes should not effect the agent as they are seperate and the issue occurs AFTER the form results are sent and stored.

We replaced PERL script with a PHP form on our website which sends the field info to a Notes DB. This is is working fine, however, in the DB where the form results are stored,there is a token manual agent that , when activated, should send the same info into another form which is sent in an email. The user is receiving the form but with blank fields.

Could this be something to do with Char13 or how the agent is formatting?

The DB for the results as well as the agent have not been changed.

Can someone please offer an idea of what could be causing the results to not show after the form is emailed?

I appreciate any help or direction. If you need any more information(I know this is sketchy) please let me know...

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