I hoped this was simple but I guess the answer isn't as obvious as I thought. Basically, I have a form (or forms) I want to be able to change the appearance of, basically change the theme.
So say the form has 3 labels and 3 buttons, rather than saying
I hoped I could perform something along the lines of (although I know this isn't right):
see what I mean? Would be lovely to be able to just re-jig a whole form in one shot and have all the buttons, labels and whatnot all uniform
I hoped this was simple but I guess the answer isn't as obvious as I thought. Basically, I have a form (or forms) I want to be able to change the appearance of, basically change the theme.
So say the form has 3 labels and 3 buttons, rather than saying
Code: = "courier"
form1.label1.font.color = "magenta"
I hoped I could perform something along the lines of (although I know this isn't right):
Dim stuff as object? (tried msforms.things too)
for each stuff in form1 = "courier"
stuff.font.color = "magenta"
see what I mean? Would be lovely to be able to just re-jig a whole form in one shot and have all the buttons, labels and whatnot all uniform