I have Spamassassin and MIMEDefang up and running on a mail server. I like to configure Spamassassin and MIMEDefang to by-pass a domain; i.e., all incoming email to the specific domain (say, all recipients on abc.com) will NOT be filtered by Spamassassin or MIMEDefang.
I modify file /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf, add a line as:
whitelist_to *@abc.com
and restart sendmail and mime-defang.
Is it correct?
Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day,
I have Spamassassin and MIMEDefang up and running on a mail server. I like to configure Spamassassin and MIMEDefang to by-pass a domain; i.e., all incoming email to the specific domain (say, all recipients on abc.com) will NOT be filtered by Spamassassin or MIMEDefang.
I modify file /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf, add a line as:
whitelist_to *@abc.com
and restart sendmail and mime-defang.
Is it correct?
Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day,